Sunday, May 2, 2010

In Praise of David Cronenberg's Shivers (1975)

In 1975, David Cronenberg's first feature film Shivers (aka They Came From Within or The Parasite Murders) made it's way into unsuspecting cinemas. With a shooting title of Orgy of the Blood Parasites, filming took place over a brisk 15 days. This mix of horror on both a cerebral and visceral level upset more than a few vocal opponents who were angry Canadian government financial assistance had been involved with the production. Some of this was offset by the fact that the film proved to be a more than respectable worldwide success and made a large profit.

The setting for the entire film is a very J.G. Ballard-esque ultra contemporary high rise apartment situated on a small island. We soon discover that within this seemingly perfect new world of multiple modern conveniences, all is not right. The juxtaposition between the ordinary and the horrifying steadily builds towards a frenzy of paranoid and bloody chaotic action. Recommended.

the trailer

segment from the program, "On Screen!" featuring
David Cronenberg's first full length feature Shivers

David Cronenberg speaks about Shivers

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