Saturday, October 10, 2009

Aguirre: The Wrath of God (1972) Aguirre, der Zorn Gottes

Werner Herzog's 1972 film Aguirre: The Wrath of God was ranked #46 on Entertainment Weekly's "Top 50 Cult Films of All-Time" and I would include this on my list of all time favorite films.

The naturalistic savagery of the primeval tropical rain forest, searing characterizations and cinematography that effortlessly transcends into pure hallucinatory visions contribute to its brilliance. An appropriatly haunting musical score is providing by Popol Vuh. Klaus Kinski delivers a powerfully wide-eyed performance as the title character who usurps Gonzalo Pizarro and Don Pedro de Ursua's leadership while on a 1560 quest over the Andes into the mouth of the Amazon in search of golden treasures. Constantly beset by trouble, the group suffers a steady attrition due to this myriad of difficulties as the quest takes on an increasingly nihilistic tenor.

A truly incredible movie from the breath taking initial shots to the inevitable end. Below is the English dubbed trailer and the complete subtitled film.


  1. Hey there. Great post. This looks cool. Never seen it though. Hope you've enjoyed the weekend. Cheers!

  2. Thanks Keith, Aguirre's an insane film experience.
    Hope you're enjoying yourself and have Columbus Day to relax too.
