Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Convoy (1978)

Sam Peckinpah's 1978 film Convoy is often maligned by fellow Peckinpah fans but I've always enjoyed this dusty, double clutching, and populist exploitation flick.

Amongst all of his cinematic output, Convoy proved to be Peckinpah's most successful film in terms of box office receipts, grossing $15,000,000 in the United Sates alone.

As a favor to actor James Coburn, Peckinpah brought him onto the film as an assistant director so that Coburn could obtain his Directors Guild of America card. Rumors have persisted that Coburn's participation became much more involved as Peckinpah often bagged out of shooting due to being "under the weather" and Coburn stepped up to direct scenes in his absence.

The film is based on a song by CW McCall (aka Bill Fries) that was initially recorded in the mid 70s for use in bread commercials. The song became a radio hit in 1976 during a wave of CB related mania in the U.S. and was then altered to include specific details and characters from the film.

Presented below are the trailer and the full movie.

the trailer

the movie

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