Thursday, November 20, 2008

Tex Avery’s “…of Tomorrow” cartoon series (1949-1954)

A giant in the world of cartoons, Tex Avery generated a rich legacy of many colorful, playfully surreal and truly entertaining shorts for folks of all ages. From the late forties to the early fifties Avery created the "...of Tomorrow" series: The House Of Tomorrow (1949), Car of Tomorrow (1951), T.V. of Tomorrow (1953) and The Farm Of Tomorrow (1954). In my opinion, unjustly derided by some Avery purists, these cartoon nuggets are un-pc time capsules, presenting a tongue in cheek - but truly optimistic view for the post World War 2 future.

The House Of Tomorrow (1949)

Car of Tomorrow (1951)

T.V. of Tomorrow (1953)

The Farm Of Tomorrow (1954)


  1. These clips make me think about all those programs that would talk about the life of tomorrow. It was neat to see how the 50's envisioned the future. I have to admit that I like their idea of the future better than how things turned out.

  2. No doubt Keith, I'm with you on that. A 1950s version of the 2000s would probably be a sweeter, more swinging place!
